Community Contribution
Alexandria’s corporate citizenship record is a long and satisfying one.
Throughout the 66 years of its existence Alexandria has lent its support to such community enhancing efforts as: contributing to the support of our local hospital facilities, local school activities at all levels, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Heart & Stroke Foundation, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, The Alzheimer’s Foundation, the Royal Canadian Legion, local Churches, local Richelieu & Lions Clubs, and Local Youth Center, the local Glengarry Community Living Centre, Special Education, Girl Guides, the Boy Scouts of America, Crime Stoppers, and all levels & types of local sport associations, to name a few. Not only have we, from time to time, provided much needed contributions to assist these organizations to grow but also by participation in these organizations as active members & directors.
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) however has, by far, been our main fundraising & support project. Over the past Ten (10) years, through the fundraising efforts of a team of employees known as the CHEO & CHARITIES FUNDRAISING TEAM, our employees, clients, suppliers and friends have responded generously to our solicitations to make possible our donations, to this worthwhile cause, reach the $ 325, 000.00 level.
In addition to this method of active participation in the community, Alexandria continues to be a staunch & determined supporter of a clean and friendly environment. We have spared no expense at ensuring that our waste, product which we produce in ------ tons weekly, is not air borne and a hindrance to the quality of air & life in our community. All waste produced, during our manufacturing process, is controlled & recycled into useful products.
In 2007 Alexandria received the Masisa Award for Environmental and Community Responsible Citizenship for companies in the wood industry.
Alexandria Moulding is proud of its employees for their participation in these worthwhile causes and for the responsible manner in which they contribute to the growth, support and sustenance of our community.
Alexandria Moulding through the efforts and participation of its employees will continue to be a vibrant & vital part of community development in our region.